Aug 24, 2009
summer break
Jun 15, 2009
filene's basement stays open after all

Last week, a bankruptcy court auctioned Filene's off and the winning bidder, the Men's Wearhouse chain, announced it would close the Downtown store. They didn't say why, and you can never really know in these situations. Of course, people tried to read into it. Was this a blow to Downtown? What's wrong with Downtown that they didn't keep the store open? In all probability, it had to do with what other stores the company already has in the area, its distribution system, or the like. But we'll never really know.
And the point is moot because last week's auction was challenged and the court held a new auction today. This one was won by the clothing retailer, Syms, which, we've been told by insiders, will keep the Downtown store open.
We worked very hard behind the scenes to make this happen, as did the Mayor, BDC, the Lockwood Place developers, and the employees of the Filene's store themselves.
There'll be more about this in the press, I'm sure. For the meantime, let's savor the good news.
-Mike Evitts
Jun 11, 2009
checking out the hotel monaco
There will be a little more than 200 rooms with top amenities - lots of marble, plush fabrics, swanky fixtures, and top-of-the-line service.
a view of the new bar, looking down from the upstairs dining level
There will also be a restaurant with its own entrance on Charles Street. It will be casual but upscale. Yesterday, they were unwrapping the furniture and workers were busy installing fixtures for the bar. At the back of the room, which features a two-story atrium in the front and table seating in an open upstairs area, there's another bar and a special pizza oven.
The restaurant will be a welcome addition to this part of City Center which, aside from the Shula's steakhouse just down the block on Baltimore Street, doesn't enjoy a lot of nighttime dining options.
-Mike Evitts
Jun 10, 2009
shuttle launch
It'll consist of about 20 clean-energy busses that run on three continuously looping routes. One will go from west Baltimore (near the B&O Museum) through the heart of the Downtown tourist district and terminate in Harbor East. The second will run from South Baltimore (near Cross Street Market) north to Penn Station. The third will run from Harbor East north to the Hopkins medical campus.
Busses will hit stops approximately every 10 minutes and they're equipped with gps messaging so you can get a text sent to your computer or cell phone when one is approaching your stop.
And it's totally free to ride.
We hope everyone will give it a try. It's not your typical bus and will deliver superior customer service. Even if you pay to park at your office each day, the circulator will mean you can quickly and easily get to appointments without having to move your car and pay to re-park.
-Mike Evitts
May 27, 2009
summer school: downtown 101

This is the time of year when businesses take on interns or summer associates. We want to help these seasonal hires make the most of their time working downtown and, hopefully, convince them to come back and live / work here when they finish school.
So, we've started a kind of orientation event that includes a reception, a quick presentation, and plenty of resources to find things to do, ways to get around, places to live, and how to network with their peers.
The Economic Alliance and Collegetown Network are our partners this year and will help with the presentations. We did it last year and everyone had a good time.
If your company has a team of interns, or if you're a starving grad student working for slave wages, come by and check this out. Not only will you pick up useful information, it's also possible to eat enough hors d'oeuvres that you can skip dinner that night.
Visit GoDowntownBaltimore for details and to register.
-mike evitts
afternoon baseball

The O's could get their first sweep of the season when they play the Blue Jays at 1:35. But whether they win or lose is almost beside the point. For a lot of people, these games are about heading to the ballpark when they'd otherwise be at the office. It's the summer equivalent of a snow day.
When everyone takes off for a game, especially a big one like opening day, I bet the only business getting done downtown is in the stands.
So, don't tell my boss, but I'm about to head to Faidley's for a crabcake on my way to Camden Yards. Odds are, I'll bump into him there anyway.
-mike evitts
May 15, 2009
no rust belt here
Similarly, there are lingering perceptions about Baltimore, some good (affordable, city of neighborhoods), some trite (funky charm), some harmful (full of crime), and some outdated - that we're a blue collar town, for example.
My relatives worked at American Can and Sparrows Point back when both places provided steady jobs with good pay and benefits. These were old economy jobs that were mostly lost a long time ago, but their ghosts haunt our public image.
More often than not, Baltimore is still thought of, and talked about, as an old industrial city. A blue-collar town. Part of the rust belt. More akin to Cleavland or Pittsburgh than our tawny neighbor 30 miles down the Baltimore/Washington Parkway.
The reality may surprise you.
We just released our annual 2008/2009 State of Downtown Report where, among other data, we track how Downtown compares to other cities across the country. With 40,000 residents within a one-mile radius of the Inner Harbor, we're 7th for population density, ahead of places like Boston, San Diego, Denver, Washington, Atlanta, and Portland.
There are 113,000 jobs in that same area which puts us 16th in the country, ahead of places like Dallas, Miami, and Phoenix.
And we rank 8th for the number of households here that make at least $75,000.
One of our biggest industry concentrations is in life sciences and biotechnology - areas where we expect tremendous job and investment growth over the next several decades. We're also strong in finance, insurance, and real estate jobs - which are holding their own, even in the current down economy.
It's telling that the American Can Company, where my grandfather worked, now houses a technology incubator, along with the kinds of high-end retail, coffee shops, and wine bars that have become signifiers of new economy success.
Looking at Downtown's economic data, you can't help but lose the long-held perception that Baltimore is still a shadow of its former industrial self. True Baltimore is still working class, but these days that refers to entrepreneurialism not steel.
-Mike Evitts
May 6, 2009
monthly design conversations
The conversations are curated but open discussions that include presentations by architects, graphic designers, urban planners, and other Big Thinkers. And, each month the program is centered around a specific theme. The events are free and start around 6:30 p.m.
-Mike Evitts
word about Baltimore travels
They're designed as advertising vehicles for the different markets served by the carrier and, by definition, their goal is to appeal to as wide a cross section of people as possible.
I often read them when I'm flying, and I've even helped put a few together. Several years ago, we were involved in a Baltimore feature in UsAirways Magazine. This year, along with partner organizations like the Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association (BACVA) and the Economic Alliance, we helped out with a profile on Baltimore that appears in the May issue of Southwest Airline's magazine, Spirit.

The articles give a pretty good entry-level introduction to any given city and are seen by tens of thousands of people from all over the world.
I'm not aware of any numbers that show whether or not an air mag profile increases visitation to a given market, but it sure can't hurt.
We know from BACVA research that people outside our region may not have much of an impression of Baltimore beyond the usual... crabcakes, the Inner Harbor, etc. But, once someone visits, they usually embrace the city and want to come back.
Baltimore is such a major hub for Southwest that it makes sense to profile the city in a glossy magazine. Using the same logic, a feature by Carnival Cruise Lines should be in the works soon.
Carnival was here a few weekends ago, covering Downtown with special events and promotions to build awareness of its new deal with the Port of Baltimore.
The cruise line is set to sail 50 annual round trips from Baltimore (generating an estimated $152 million for the local economy). Next year, Royal Caribbean will also begin offering year-round cruises, drawing visitors from across the mid-Atlantic and mid-West.
Whether they read about us in a magazine first or not, hopefully the scores of visitors attracted to Baltimore by the cruise lines get captured by the City's charm and make plans to return.
-Mike Evitts
May 5, 2009
so this sucked
This happens every so often in older homes, cars, cities. Stuff breaks. And, as was the case with the recent water main break that still has Lombard Street closed, people sometimes have a good idea where repairs should happen before it becomes an emergency.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to come up with the money and initiate a majorly disruptive infrastructure improvement project (with all the attendant traffic tie ups, pedestrian inconvenience and noise associated with it), especially if everything looks fine on the surface.
This is the challenge local governments face constantly. Money is short, needed repairs get put on hold. Communities want infrastructure improvements, but bristle at the cost in terms of tax or fee increases. And nobody wants to sit in traffic while the construction happens.
But the cost of doing nothing is much greater, as the Lombard break illustrates. Unfortunately, whether preempitvely for upgrades or post break for emergency repairs, the bulk of the cost for infrastructure improvements is shouldered by local taxpayers.
In 2007, the U.S. Conference of Mayors published a report that found 95% of the cost of water and sewer infrastructure development and operations is paid by local jurisdictions while only 5% is covered by state or federal monies. It also found that "state and federal contributions are flat and declining over time, even though federal mandates continue to grow."
Part of this makes sense... that a local municipality should pay for its own infrastructure. But, here's where it gets interesting. The authors of the report concluded that, "the direct and indirect benefits of increased investment in public water and sewer are significant. The findings support the notion that increased spending could stimulate the sluggish economy while at the same time providing clean water and sewer services to protect public health."
They argue that infrastructure development has a trickle-up effect on the regional and national economies so it's in the best interests of state and federal governments to cough up more assistance for these local projects. Here are their findings to back this up:
"One dollar of water and sewer infrastructure investment increases private output (Gross Domestic Product, GDP) in the long-term by $6.35;
"Each additional dollar of revenue to local government from providing water and sewer system operation and maintenance increases revenue (economic output) that occurs in all idustries by $2.62 in that year;
"Adding one new job in local water and sewer creates 3.68 jobs in the national economy to support that one job."
-Mike Evitts
Apr 22, 2009
we're back
Since our last post, Mayor Dixon has announced the Pratt Street Initiative, and progress is already being made (more on that in a later post).
What else...?
The Downtown circulator service we worked to create will begin late in the summer. There was a contest to name the shuttle system and the winner will be announced in a few weeks.
We've also resolved dozens of issues, some big, some small, that are important to our members and Downtown property owners, we celebrated Kids Month and Downtown for the Holidays, advocated for improvements to the Historic Tax Credit, ate our way through the second annual Winter Restaurant Week, and hosted several networking events.
And there's more on tap. Stay tuned to this space for upcoming news about our new website design, the launch of a new media service, springtime events, and the release of the State of Downtown Report.
-Mike Evitts