Jun 10, 2009

shuttle launch

The mayor unveiled the new busses and name of the Downtown shuttle. When it begins in late summer / early fall the service will be called the Charm City Circulator.

It'll consist of about 20 clean-energy busses that run on three continuously looping routes. One will go from west Baltimore (near the B&O Museum) through the heart of the Downtown tourist district and terminate in Harbor East. The second will run from South Baltimore (near Cross Street Market) north to Penn Station. The third will run from Harbor East north to the Hopkins medical campus.

Busses will hit stops approximately every 10 minutes and they're equipped with gps messaging so you can get a text sent to your computer or cell phone when one is approaching your stop.

And it's totally free to ride.

We had a lot to do with getting this new service off the ground. From the idea of creating this service itself to identifying a steady source of funding, to bus selection and route determinations. But the credit really goes to the Mayor who felt this is something important for the city to take on. Her department of transportation has worked doggedly to hash out the details and make the circulator a reality.

We hope everyone will give it a try. It's not your typical bus and will deliver superior customer service. Even if you pay to park at your office each day, the circulator will mean you can quickly and easily get to appointments without having to move your car and pay to re-park.

-Mike Evitts