Apr 28, 2008

green is the new blog

Right now everything is GREEN. However I am more inclined to agree with Kermit—it’s hard being green. I turn off my lights when I am not using them (at least when I remember), I recycle (however, I have no idea if the stuff I put in the specially marked trash can in my kitchen is actually recyclable, and I walk to work (most of the time). Aside from that, I really am unconcerned with the whole green wave.

I don’t buy green cosmetics, handbags, clothing, etc. etc. etc. I run the water the entire time I brush my teeth, I have already turned on the air conditioning, and I buy bottled water like it is going out of style. I may wear a size 5 shoe, but my carbon foot print is gargantuan.

Last week I went to look at an electric hybrid bus that could be the face of the new Downtown circulator. The Partnership and other agencies in the city are trying to fund a Downtown circulator that would be geared toward business professionals trying to get around the city.

In all honestly, I only went to look at the bus, because it was a nice day and I wanted to go for a walk. I mean it is a bus. How cool can it be?

No other city in the United States currently employs these buses; however New York City just purchased a small fleet of them, and for a good reason. It is clean, quiet, and surprisingly sleek for a public mode of transportation.

Although we are still in the planning phases, the idea that I might be able to jump on a shuttle bus Downtown and have lunch in Harbor East without paying a $15 dollar cab is pretty cool, and (dare I say it) GREEN.